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Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Black Silage Wrap

From the 4th February 2014 Allerton Recycling will be unable to handle bulk silage wrap which has been stored outside or has excessive grass and mud contamination.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to place such contaminated plastics. Plastic film should be cleaned before bagging and stored undercover before delivery to Allerton Recycling. Staff have been instructed to reject excessively dirty plastics.

It has always been our intention to keep recycling fees as low as possible. Silage and netting wrap cleanliness is paramount to us being able to reprocess this material economically.

Best practice guidelines for Farm Plastics can be found here

Allerton Recycling Aims

Allerton Recycling aims to;
* provide a cost effective sustainable recycling business for local farmers.
* help farmers and growers understand waste legislation and find practical solutions.
* engage with government, manufacturers, distributers and others in the food production business to find more streamline and effecient methods of recycling farm waste.
* investigate products and technology that can add value to agricultural waste.